>When Italy opened migrant centres in Albania in October the plan was clear: 3,000 people a month intercepted in Italian waters would have their asylum claims processed beyond Italy’s borders, monitored by Italian police officers.
>Two months later, undercover Albanian journalists posing as tourists caught up with some of those officers staying at a 5-star hotel with a pool and spa in Shëngjin, the Albanian port that houses the migrant centre.
>“We came here for work, we are the security for the migrant centre […] but there are no migrants in the facilities, they have been transferred to Italy,” the officers told the Piranjat TV journalists. “It’s just us here. We are paid to act as tourists: breakfast, dinner, and sauna, all free – the Italian government pays.”
>The facilities in Shëngjin where they were sent to work are empty: what had been presented by the European Commission as a new model for holding migrants outside the EU founded as Italian judges ruled it unlawful to keep people intercepted at sea in Albania before repatriating them to countries, such as Bangladesh and Egypt, considered “safe” by Rome. Only 24 asylum seekers were ever sent to Albania and none remain there. Five spent less than 12 hours in a detention centre, while the rest stayed for just over 48 hours.
>At a time when Italy is struggling to balance its budget, cutting funds for education, health and social security, opposition parties have called the deal between Rome and Tirana, which will cost about €1bn (£830m) over five years, a “financial disaster”.LOL
Sono italiano nato in Italia a Busto Arsizio, come posso fare per disfarmi definitivamente della SHITtadinanza italiana, diventare extracomunitario (ma di una nazione considerata sicura, in modo che non mi possano rispedire in SHITalia) e fare la bella vita lì vita natural durante pagato dai contribuenti? Mi son rotto altamente i coglioni di essere costretto a sopravvivere nelle case popolari
Vabè, ripete pari pari quello che dice il PD ogni giorno.
È giusto dire che al momento è vuoto e che questo è evidentemente un fallimento, ma non ci vuole un grande intelletto per ipotizzare che tra qualche mese, risolte le beghe legali sui paesi sicuri, si riempirà di negracci.
>>9360Vai in Sud America nello specifico Paraguay o Uruguay dove probabilmente non hanno neanche estradizione con gli Stati Uniti e si vive decentemente con uno stipendio basso per un italiano
Goditi la yerba mate e i paesaggi selvaggi con gli indios e i vaqueros nella pampa